
Wear it with Pride, but only if you earn those stripes

pride, business, luxury, lifestyle, retail, advertising

It is Pride month, and the Committee of Advertising Practice (CAP) has launched some guidance to help brands navigate common pitfalls in their marketing.

The guidance does not include anything new or unexpected, but it has some useful reminders and examples of when advertisers have really messed up; for example, you might remember the offensive campaign from Paddy Power from 2012 that invited consumers to “spot the stallions from the mares”. I have to add that Paddy Power has made some strides in the intervening years to redeem themselves.

I cannot pretend or claim to speak for the whole LGBTQ+ community of course, but as a gay person I dare to offer one personal bit of advice to supplement CAP’s note. It is not particularly new, ground-breaking or controversial, it is simply this:

Companies should jumping on the Pride band wagon (e.g. adding rainbows to their logo and so on) unless they are doing something meaningful to contribute to advancing the LGBTQ+ cause, or listening to and actively supporting LGBTQ+ individuals.

It is great when a company emphasises its support by flying a rainbow flag, but that in itself is not enough. It should be the tip of the iceberg, the shop window, the wrapping paper, the icing on the cake, or whichever cliché or metaphor you prefer. It should simply be a signal to others that the organisation is proud of the actual work it has done, and is doing, to listen to and support LGBTQ+ people, and levelling up. It includes listening to and supporting employees, customers, clients and others. It also includes working towards broadening access to the sector, or a particular workplace, and supporting students, apprentices, and many others. It also includes focusing on the ‘T’ in LGBTQ+.
The work should be ongoing, all year round. Not just when the sun is shining and flags are waving in June.
So, the take-home message for companies is that you should not go chasing a pot of gold at the end of that rainbow this month, but do use the rainbow as a sign that you are trying hard to live up to your responsibilities to LGBTQ+ people everywhere, all year round. Then, all you have to do is remember to keep earning those stripes.
CAP’s guidance note can be found here: Celebrate your advertising with Pride – ASA | CAP.

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