Business, Sustainability & Social Responsibility, Technology

The Collective Showcase with Lauren Scott-Harris

Lauren Scott-Harris talks about EARNT, a brand new eco-system started in 2022 by using the love that people have for brands to power causes in need; the unique initiative rewards the good deeds of the EARNT community with unique, bespoke, limited-edition, money can’t buy items and experiences.

What’s keeping you busy?

Activations, advisory boards, brainstorms, brands, causes, charities, our Chairman, decks…fundraising, gearing-up for September, housekeeping, innovating, investors, investment, juggling…long-term strategy, maintaining momentum…pitches, questions like these, ruminating, strategy, ted-talks, technology, user experience, venture capital, world issues…yearly reports…

What new ideas or opportunities will become part of your future business fabric?

Scaling what we do horizontally and vertically. We are designing our platform so we can do this faster, better, quicker all over the world with a myriad of causes and charities and all silos of brands, so anyone can get involved wherever they are.

What are the biggest challenges you are facing right now?

Reaching in lots of directions with a small team and designing a UX for an idea that has no predecessor. It’s the joy and the headache of creating something totally new but we wouldn’t have it any other way. 

Is there anything you know now that you’d wish you’d known at the start of your career?

Yes – don’t bother chasing or trying to convince those that don’t believe in what you are doing. You are not, and you do not want to be, everyone’s cup of tea because you are much more interesting than tea.

Who have been your most important professional mentors/influencers?

Hard question! The simplest / obvious answers would be; my father Peter Scott, our Chairman Seb Bishop, a former client Andy Puddicombe (who created Headspace) and Simon Sinek. But I have also been inspired by some of the interns I have hired and some baristas who have given me the coffee I needed to start off the day. I think it’s a certain attitude that inspires me.

Which accolades matter most to you and why?

Impact created for the causes we work with, enjoyment of the activations we do by the consumers and tangible and considered business increase for the brands we work with. If we get all three right then we will truly be creating something special that we can grow around the world. We are not here for small scale but the little pubs we work with and the small grassroots charities are just as important as the big global brands.

What keeps you motivated?

The causes we work with and the reaction of people when we explain the idea to them. People seem to want this to work and every day that I read the news I get more energy to make sure it does. But it’s also who. Lavina my business partner who is there for every wobble and tough day and our amazing board of advisors who tell us all about the tough days that they have had in their careers whenever we need a pep talk.

What is the best piece of advice you ever received?

“She who wishes to conduct the orchestra, must first turn her back to the crowd.”

What has required the most courage of you in your life so far?

Public speaking (which I hate) to communicate an idea that at the start was raw and unpolished.

A book you’ve recently read and would recommend?

“Factfulness” – By Hans Rosling – sent to me by a friend when the world seemed overwhelmingly sad
“Let me off at the top” – By Ron Burgundy – I read it out loud with my mother and my brother and could not stop laughing
“The 100 Year Life.”

If you could meet any one person (from history or currently alive), who would it be?

David Attenborough. Salman Rushdie. The Queen.

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